Urban Serving LLC is dedicated to providing our clients with what they demand: convenient, dependable and legally compliant private investigations and legal services that are customized to meet their unique needs.
Urban Serving is committed to quality control and we embrace the power of technology to both leverage efficiency and to confirm compliance with the law and your audit procedures. That is why we provide our clients with GPS coordinates, digital photographs, field notes and more through our secure client portal. That is why our private investigators and process servers undergo background checks and are thoroughly trained and have their work internally audited.
We understand that the current national environment rewards transparency, accountability, excellent ethics, and quality control. That’s why we give our clients the tools and attention to detail that they need to ensure that their needs are being met at all levels. It’s an ongoing challenge and as the needs of our clients change we will be there to meet them.
Member of Michigan Council of Professional Investigators
Member of the Michigan Court Officer, Deputy Sheriff and Process Servers Association
Member of the Michigan Creditor Bar Association